"Saving Ford's hot hatch from becoming a fridge"
A resource site for owners of the Mk1 & 2 Fiesta

Project Bobcat Ford Fiesta resource site

Mk2 Fiesta Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Decoder

The vehicle identification plate which is riveted to the front upper cross-member of each vehicle consists of aplha-numeric codes that indicate details of each vehicles specification. To decode the long 19 digit character please refer to the information below (e.g *SFABXXBAFBJG12345*).

Box 1

number here
*AAA B C C D E F G H I J J J J J *
1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Digit 1

Always an Asterisk (no meaning)

A) Digits 2,3 & 4 - World manufacturer indicator

SFA Ford Motor Company Ltd - United Kingdom
WF0 Ford Werke A.G - West Germany
UN1 Henry Ford & Son Ltd - Eire
XLC N.V. Nederland Ford - Netherlands
VS6 Ford Espana S.A - Spain
TW2 Ford Lusitana S.A.R.L - Portugal

B & G) Digit 5 & 11

B 3 door saloon
C 2 door coupe
T 2 door saloon
F 4 door saloon
N 4 door estate
D 2 door estate
V van

C) Digit 6 & 7 - Constant X

Always 'X' character (no meaning)

D) Digit 8 - Product Source Company

BFord of Britain (own assembly)
G Ford of Germany (own assembly)
C Ford of Britain (affiliated company assembly)
E Ford of Germany (affiliated company assembly)
W Ford of Spain (own assembly)

E) Digit 9 - Assembly Plant


F) Digit 10 - Model Range

F - Fiesta

H) Digit 12 - Date of Manufacture

D 1983
E 1984
F 1985
G 1986
H 1987
J 1988
K 1989
L 1990
M 1991

I) Digit 13 - date of Manufacture (Month)

1983 C K D E L Y S T J U M P
1984 B R A G C K D E L Y S T
1985 J U M P B R A G C K D E
1986 L Y S T J U M P B R A G
1987 C K D E L Y S T J U M P
1988 B R A G C K D E L Y S T
1989 J U M P B R A G C K D E
1990 L Y S T J U M P B R A G
1991 C K D E L Y S T J U M P

J) Digits 14,15,16,17 & 18 Vehicle sequence number

5 digit number

Digit 19 - Constant Asterisk

Always an asterisk (no meaning)

Page Last Updated: Thursday 21st of March 2019