UK Vehicle Registration Year and Area Identifiers
UK vehicles registered between 1962 and 2001 contained a 1 or 2 letter identifier which indicated the area which they were first registered, in 1974 the regions relating to each letter combination were changed and all areas were given a 2 letter identifier.
The list below shows all 2 digit combinations that relate to any car registered between 1974 and 2001 (including any Mk1 or Mk2 Fiesta).
Mk1 Cars from R registration through to Y show their region characters in positions two and three, so for example registration APG873Y would have the region code PG which corresponds to Guildford.
To find out where your 1983 and later Ford Fiesta was first registered (Mk1 cars on an A reg and all Mk2 Fiestas) , compare the last two digits of your numberplate to the table below, for example vehicle registration F822UAB ends in AB which suggests it was first registered in Worcester.
UK Registration Region Identifiers
Mk1 Fiestas upto July 1983 used the earlier style of registration plate, where the last character (suffix) represents the date. The very last of the Mk1 Fiestas and all Mk2 Fiestas use the slightly newer style of reg, where the first character (prefix) represents the year. The G registration is included in the table because a handful of Mk2 Fiestas were late registered with a G prefix.
Letter | Fiesta | Years & Months |
R | Mk1 | Aug '76 - July '77 |
S | Mk1 | Aug '77 - July '78 |
T | Mk1 | Aug '78 - July '79 |
V | Mk1 | Aug '79 - July '80 |
W | Mk1 | Aug '80 - July '81 |
X | Mk1 | Aug '81 - July '82 |
Y | Mk1 | Aug '82 - July '83 |
A | Mk1 & 2 | Aug '83 - July '84 |
B | Mk2 | Aug '84 - July '85 |
C | Mk2 | Aug '85 - July '86 |
D | Mk2 | Aug '86 - July '87 |
E | Mk2 | Aug '87 - July '88 |
F | Mk2 | Aug '88 - July '89 |
G | Mk3 | Aug '89 - July '90 |
Registration area codes
Numberplate Suffix | Area of First Registration |
AA | Bournemouth |
AB | Worcester |
AC | Coventry |
AD | Gloucester |
AE | Bristol |
AF | Truro |
AG | Hull |
AH | Norwich |
AI | Meath |
AJ | Middlesbrough |
AK | Sheffield |
AL | Nottingham |
AM | Swindon |
AN | Reading |
AO | Carlisle |
AP | Brighton |
AR | Chelmsford |
AS | Inverness |
AT | Hull |
AU | Nottingham |
AV | Peterborough |
AW | Shrewsbury |
AX | Cardiff |
AY | Leicester |
AZ | Belfast |
BA | Manchester |
BB | Newcastle upon Tyne |
BC | Leicester |
BD | Northampton |
BE | Lincoln |
BF | Stoke-on-Trent |
BG | Liverpool |
BH | Luton |
BI | Monaghan |
BJ | Ipswich |
BK | Portsmouth |
BL | Reading |
BM | Luton |
BN | Manchester |
BO | Cardiff |
BP | Portsmouth |
BR | Newcastle upon Tyne |
BS | Inverness |
BT | Leeds |
BU | Manchester |
BV | Preston |
BW | Oxford |
BX | Haverfordwest |
BY | London NW |
BZ | Down |
CA | Chester |
CB | Manchester |
CC | Bangor |
CD | Brighton |
CE | Peterborough |
CF | Reading |
CG | Bournemouth |
CH | Nottingham |
CI | Laois |
CJ | Gloucester |
CK | Preston |
CL | Norwich |
CM | Liverpool |
CN | Newcastle upon Tyne |
CO | Exeter |
CP | Huddersfield |
CR | Portsmouth |
CS | Glasgow |
CT | Lincoln |
CU | Newcastle upon Tyne |
CV | Truro |
CW | Preston |
CX | Huddersfield |
CY | Swansea |
CZ | Belfast |
DA | Birmingham |
DB | Manchester |
DC | Middlesbrough |
DD | Gloucester |
DE | Haverfordwest |
DF | Gloucester |
DG | Gloucester |
DH | Dudley |
DI | Roscommon |
DJ | Liverpool |
DK | Manchester |
DL | Portsmouth |
DM | Chester |
DN | Leeds |
DO | Lincoln |
DP | Reading |
DR | Exeter |
DS | Glasgow |
DT | Sheffield |
DU | Coventry |
DV | Exeter |
DW | Cardiff |
DX | Ipswich |
DY | Brighton |
DZ | Antrim |
EA | Dudley |
EB | Peterborough |
EC | Preston |
ED | Liverpool |
EE | Lincoln |
EF | Middlesbrough |
EG | Peterborough |
EH | Stoke-on-Trent |
EI | Sligo |
EJ | Haverfordwest |
EK | Liverpool |
EL | Bournemouth |
EM | Liverpool |
EN | Manchester |
EO | Preston |
EP | Swansea |
ER | Peterborough |
ES | Dundee |
ET | Sheffield |
EU | Bristol |
EV | Chelmsford |
EW | Peterborough |
EX | Norwich |
EY | Bangor |
EZ | Belfast |
FA | Stoke-on-Trent |
FB | Bristol |
FC | Oxford |
FD | Dudley |
FE | Lincoln |
FF | Bangor |
FG | Brighton |
FH | Gloucester |
FI | Tipperary (N.Riding) |
FJ | Exeter |
FK | Dudley |
FL | Peterborough |
FM | Chester |
FN | Maidstone |
FO | Gloucester |
FP | Leicester |
FR | Preston |
FS | Edinburgh |
FT | Newcastle upon Tyne |
FU | Lincoln |
FV | Preston |
FW | Lincoln |
FX | Bournemouth |
FY | Liverpool |
FZ | Belfast |
GA | Glasgow |
GB | Glasgow |
GC | London SW |
GD | Glasgow |
GE | Glasgow |
GF | London SW |
GG | Glasgow |
GH | London SW |
GI | Tipperary (S.Riding) |
GJ | London SW |
GK | London SW |
GL | Truro |
GM | Reading |
GN | London SW |
GO | London SW |
GP | London SW |
GR | Newcastle upon Tyne |
GS | Luton |
GT | London SW |
GU | London SE |
GV | Ipswich |
GW | London SE |
GX | London SE |
GY | London SE |
GZ | Belfast |
HA | Dudley |
HB | Cardiff |
HC | Brighton |
HD | Huddersfield |
HE | Sheffield |
HF | Liverpool |
HG | Preston |
HH | Carlisle |
HI | Tipperary (S.Riding) |
HJ | Chelmsford |
HK | Chelmsford |
HL | Sheffield |
HM | London (Central) |
HN | Middlesbrough |
HO | Bournemouth |
HP | Coventry |
HR | Swindon |
HS | Glasgow |
HT | Bristol |
HU | Bristol |
HV | London (Central) |
HW | Bristol |
HX | London (Central) |
HY | Bristol |
HZ | Tyrone |
IA | Antrim |
IB | Armagh |
IC | Carlow |
ID | Cavan |
IE | Clare |
IF | Cork |
IH | Donegal |
IJ | Down |
IK | Dublin |
IL | Fermanagh |
IM | Galway |
IN | Kerry |
IO | Kildare |
IP | Kilkenny |
IR | Offaly |
IS | Mayo |
IT | Leitrim |
IU | Limerick |
IV | Limerick |
IW | Londonderry |
IX | Longford |
IY | Louth |
IZ | Mayo |
JA | Manchester |
JB | Reading |
JC | Bangor |
JD | London (Central) |
JE | Peterborough |
JF | Leicester |
JG | Maidstone |
JH | Reading |
JI | Tyrone |
JJ | Maidstone |
JK | Brighton |
JL | Lincoln |
JM | Reading |
JN | Chelmsford |
JO | Oxford |
JP | Liverpool |
JR | Newcastle upon Tyne |
JS | Inverness |
JT | Bournemouth |
JU | Leicester |
JV | Lincoln |
JW | Birmingham |
JX | Huddersfield |
JY | Exeter |
JZ | Down |
KA | Liverpool |
KB | Liverpool |
KC | Liverpool |
KD | Liverpool |
KE | Maidstone |
KF | Liverpool |
KG | Cardiff |
KH | Hull |
KI | Waterford |
KJ | Maidstone |
KK | Maidstone |
KL | Maidstone |
KM | Maidstone |
KN | Maidstone |
KO | Maidstone |
KP | Maidstone |
KR | Maidstone |
KS | Edinburgh |
KT | Maidstone |
KU | Sheffield |
KV | Coventry |
KW | Sheffield |
KX | Luton |
KY | Sheffield |
KZ | Antrim |
LA | London NW |
LB | London NW |
LC | London NW |
LD | London NW |
LE | London NW |
LF | London NW |
LG | Chester |
LH | London NW |
LI | Westmeath |
LJ | Bournemouth |
LK | London NW |
LL | London NW |
LM | London NW |
LN | London NW |
LO | London NW |
LP | London NW |
LR | London NW |
LS | Edinburgh |
LT | London NW |
LU | London NW |
LV | Liverpool |
LW | London NW |
LX | London NW |
LY | London NW |
LZ | Armagh |
MA | Chester |
MB | Chester |
MC | London NE |
MD | London NE |
ME | London NE |
MF | London NE |
MG | London NE |
MH | London NE |
MI | Wexford |
MJ | Luton |
MK | London NE |
ML | London NE |
MM | London NE |
MO | Reading |
MP | London NE |
MR | Swindon |
MS | Edinburgh |
MT | London NE |
MU | London NE |
MV | London SE |
MW | Swindon |
MX | London SE |
MY | London SE |
MZ | Belfast |
NA | Manchester |
NB | Manchester |
NC | Manchester |
ND | Manchester |
NE | Manchester |
NF | Manchester |
NG | Norwich |
NH | Northampton |
NI | Wicklow |
NJ | Brighton |
NK | Luton |
NL | Newcastle upon Tyne |
NM | Luton |
NN | Nottingham |
NO | Chelmsford |
NP | Worcester |
NR | Leicester |
NS | Glasgow |
NT | Shrewsbury |
NU | Nottingham |
NV | Northampton |
NW | Leeds |
NX | Dudley |
NY | Cardiff |
NZ | Londonderry |
OA | Birmingham |
OB | Birmingham |
OC | Birmingham |
OD | Exeter |
OE | Birmingham |
OF | Birmingham |
OG | Birmingham |
OH | Birmingham |
OI | Belfast |
OJ | Birmingham |
OK | Birmingham |
OL | Birmingham |
OM | Birmingham |
ON | Birmingham |
OO | Chelmsford |
OP | Birmingham |
OR | Portsmouth |
OS | Glasgow |
OT | Portsmouth |
OU | Bristol |
OV | Birmingham |
OW | Portsmouth |
OX | Birmingham |
OY | London NW |
OZ | Belfast |
PA | Guildford |
PB | Guildford |
PC | Guildford |
PD | Guildford |
PE | Guildford |
PF | Guildford |
PG | Guildford |
PH | Guildford |
PI | Cork |
PJ | Guildford |
PK | Guildford |
PL | Guildford |
PM | Guildford |
PN | Brighton |
PO | Portsmouth |
PP | Luton |
PR | Bournemouth |
PS | Aberdeen |
PT | Newcastle upon Tyne |
PU | Chelmsford |
PV | Ipswich |
PW | Norwich |
PX | Portsmouth |
PY | Middlesbrough |
PZ | Belfast |
RA | Nottingham |
RB | Nottingham |
RC | Nottingham |
RD | Reading |
RE | Stoke-on-Trent |
RF | Stoke-on-Trent |
RG | Newcastle upon Tyne |
RH | Hull |
RI | Dublin |
RJ | Manchester |
RK | London NW |
RL | Truro |
RM | Carlisle |
RN | Preston |
RO | Luton |
RP | Northampton |
RR | Nottingham |
RS | Aberdeen |
RT | Ipswich |
RU | Bournemouth |
RV | Portsmouth |
RW | Coventry |
RX | Reading |
RY | Leicester |
RZ | Antrim |
SA | Aberdeen |
SB | Glasgow |
SC | Edinburgh |
SC | Truro (Isles of Scilly) |
SD | Glasgow |
SE | Aberdeen |
SF | Edinburgh |
SG | Edinburgh |
SH | Edinburgh |
SI | Dublin |
SJ | Glasgow |
SK | Inverness |
SL | Dundee |
SM | Glasgow |
SN | Dundee |
SO | Aberdeen |
SP | Dundee |
SR | Dundee |
SS | Aberdeen |
ST | Inverness |
SU | Glasgow |
SW | Glasgow |
SX | Edinburgh |
SZ | Down |
TA | Exeter |
TB | Liverpool |
TC | Bristol |
TD | Manchester |
TE | Manchester |
TF | Reading |
TG | Cardiff |
TH | Swansea |
TI | Limerick |
TJ | Liverpool |
TK | Exeter |
TL | Lincoln |
TM | Luton |
TN | Newcastle upon Tyne |
TO | Nottingham |
TP | Portsmouth |
TR | Portsmouth |
TS | Dundee |
TT | Exeter |
TU | Chester |
TV | Nottingham |
TW | Chelmsford |
TX | Cardiff |
TY | Newcastle upon Tyne |
TZ | Belfast |
UA | Leeds |
UB | Leeds |
UC | London (Central) |
UD | Oxford |
UE | Dudley |
UF | Brighton |
UG | Leeds |
UH | Cardiff |
UI | Londonderry |
UJ | Shrewsbury |
UK | Birmingham |
UL | London (Central) |
UM | Leeds |
UN | Exeter |
UO | Exeter |
UP | Newcastle upon Tyne |
UR | Luton |
US | Glasgow |
UT | Leicester |
UU | London (Central) |
UV | London (Central) |
UW | London (Central) |
UX | Shrewsbury |
UY | Worcester |
UZ | Belfast |
VA | Peterborough |
VB | Maidstone |
VC | Coventry |
VE | Peterborough |
VF | Norwich |
VG | Norwich |
VH | Huddersfield |
VJ | Gloucester |
VK | Newcastle upon Tyne |
VL | Lincoln |
VM | Manchester |
VN | Middlesbrough |
VO | Nottingham |
VP | Birmingham |
VR | Manchester |
VS | Luton |
VT | Stoke-on-Trent |
VU | Manchester |
VV | Northampton |
VW | Chelmsford |
VX | Chelmsford |
VY | Leeds |
VZ | Tyrone |
WA | Sheffield |
WB | Sheffield |
WC | Chelmsford |
WD | Dudley |
WE | Sheffield |
WF | Sheffield |
WG | Sheffield |
WH | Manchester |
WI | Waterford |
WJ | Sheffield |
WK | Coventry |
WL | Oxford |
WM | Liverpool |
WN | Swansea |
WO | Cardiff |
WP | Worcester |
WR | Leeds |
WS | Bristol |
WT | Leeds |
WU | Leeds |
WV | Brighton |
WW | Leeds |
WX | Leeds |
WY | Leeds |
WZ | Belfast |
YA | Taunton |
YB | Taunton |
YC | Taunton |
YD | Taunton |
YE | London (Central) |
YF | London (Central) |
YG | Leeds |
YH | London (Central) |
YI | Dublin |
YJ | Brighton |
YK | London (Central) |
YL | London (Central) |
YM | London (Central) |
YN | London (Central) |
YO | London (Central) |
YP | London (Central) |
YR | London (Central) |
YS | Glasgow |
YT | London (Central) |
YU | London (Central) |
YV | London (Central) |
YW | London (Central) |
YX | London (Central) |
YY | London (Central) |
YZ | Londonderry |