"Saving Ford's hot hatch from becoming a fridge"
A resource site for owners of the Mk1 & 2 Fiesta

Project Bobcat Ford Fiesta resource site

Vehicle Details for Mark 2 Ford Fiesta E506 **O

The vehicle information for this Fiesta was kindly contributed by TIM YOUNG.

Original Vehicle Spec

Registration E506 **O
Vehicle Type Car
Mark 2
Model XR2
Fuel Petrol
Engine Size 1.6
Gearbox Type 5spd Manual
Year 1988
Country of registration Mainland UK
Place of registration Cardiff
Colour Red
Current Status Unknown

In January 2021, current owner John Bone got in touch to let us know he had owned the car since 2012, and had it fully restored in 2014. The car is usually SORN'd during the winter months but does come out in the summer.

Additional Information