"Saving Ford's hot hatch from becoming a fridge"
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Project Bobcat Ford Fiesta resource site

Vehicle Details for Mark 1 Ford Fiesta A519 **H

The vehicle information for this Fiesta was kindly contributed by David Matthews.

Original Vehicle Spec

Registration A519 **H
Vehicle Type Convertible
Vehicle Builder F.English
Mark 1
Model XR2
Fuel Petrol
Engine Size 1.6
Gearbox Type 4spd Manual
Year 1983
Country of registration Mainland UK
Place of registration Stanmore
Colour Black
Current Status Unknown

Additional Information

Below: This Fly when we enlarge the picture to pixel size appears to have an F. English black / gold lozenge under the Ford Oval. These photos courtesy of the Crayford Car Club where taken in the early 80's by the price tag of £4250.00 and the period cars in this dealers yard - a bombsite in Bermondsey near the Rotherhithe Tunnel SE London. Whereabouts unknown, unless you know different!