"Saving Ford's hot hatch from becoming a fridge"
A resource site for owners of the Mk1 & 2 Fiesta

Project Bobcat Ford Fiesta resource site

Vehicle Details for Mark 1 Ford Fiesta A866 **D

The vehicle information for this Fiesta was kindly contributed by David Matthews.

Original Vehicle Spec

Registration A866 **D
Vehicle Type Convertible
Vehicle Builder F.English
Mark 1
Model XR2
Fuel Petrol
Engine Size 1.6
Gearbox Type 4spd Manual
Year 1983
Country of registration Mainland UK
Place of registration Gloucester
Colour Sunburst Red
Current Status Scrapped

Here begins the sad story of MK1 XR2 F. English built Fly Reg. No: A866 GDD. We Pick up the story in 1993 with the then owner Nick in Nottingham by the Trent

Additional Information

Below: A full hood up shot by the side of this Nottinghamshire river and below a shot of the rear decals quite unusual, and not the normal display and the XR2 logo not in evidence. The normal Fly chevrons not showing on the side.

Below: At various shows in the 1990s & 2000s in company with other Fly’s

Below: The sad end to A866 GDD along with another XR2 we are grateful to both John and Nick for getting in touch and helping us piece the story together

Below: These two photographs (above and below) were taken at the RS Owners Club Show in 2005