"Saving Ford's hot hatch from becoming a fridge"
A resource site for owners of the Mk1 & 2 Fiesta

Project Bobcat Ford Fiesta resource site


Feeling nostalgic for a bit of 1970's and 80's marketing material? Here you can find a collection of the Ford promotional leaflets relating to the Mk1 and Mk2 Fiesta. Most of these were supplied in the pack you typically recieved when buying a new car, or were sent/handed to prospective buyers via their local dealers. When scrapyards where you could have a good rummage were a bit more commonplace, it was pretty easy to find a leaflet or two still present in the handbook holder.

What's the difference between a brochure and a leaflet? Officially a leaflet is made from a single sheet of paper (sometimes folded). For us, we just used our best judgement on where leaflet ends and brochure starts based on what's in it. If you're looking for something with a bit more content in it, please have a look at the brochures page.

Update: We're giving this section a bit of an overhaul, please bear with us and the content will be back soon. In the meantime, if you can help us with any leaflets, please get in touch via email at info@projectbobcat.com. Thanks to all those who've kindly scanned in or posted brochures and leaflets to us.

Fiesta Mk1 Leaflets

Ford leaflets spanning 1976-1983

Fiesta Mk2 Leaflets

Ford leaflets spanning 1983-1989

The Mk2 leaflets will be back soon

Page Last Updated: Wednesday 5th of June 2019